Saya terpanggil untuk menulis berkaitan dengan buku yang sedang dibaca bertajuk "360 degrees Leaders' oleh John C Maxweel. Rasa-rasanya ia sesuai dibaca oleh mereka yang bergelar dan bakal bergelar pemimpin.
Antara kata-kata hikmah yang boleh dijadikan panduan dan renungan bersama adalah:-
1. Leadership is a choice you make, not a place you sit.
2.In manay organizations, as you move up the ladder, you may even find that the amount of responsibility you take on increases faster than the amount of authority you receive.
3.Good leaders rarely think in terms of boundaries: instead, they think in terms of opportunities.
4.Comfort is really a function of expectations.
5. Insecure leaders think everything is about them, and as a result every action, every piece of information, every decision is put through their filter of self-centeredness.
6. The selfish leader will attempt to lead others for their own gain and for the detriment of others.
7. Leaders at the front don't have the freedom to neglect what their positon allows them to see.
8. Poor leaders demand respect, competent leaders command respect.
9. Good leaders know when to display emotions and when to delay them.
10. Leaders must be good managers, but most managers are not necessarily good leaders.
11. Successful leadrs make the right move at the right moment with the right motive.
12. Great leaders don't use people so that they can win. They lead people so that they all can win together.
13. Not all good decision makers are leaders, but all good leaders are decision makers.
To be a good leader, remember this : INFLUENCE
I - INTEGRITY - builds relationships on trust.
N - NURTURING - cares about people as individuals.
F - FAITH - believes in people
L - LISTENING - values what others have to say
U - UNDERSTANDING - sees from their point of view
E - ENLARGING - helps others become bigger
N - NAVIGATING - assists others through difficulties
C - CONNECTING - initiates positive relationships
E - EMPOWERING - gives them the power to lead.
Oleh itu, renung-renungkanlah. Adakah anda mempunyai ciri, sifat dan pakej yang dinyatakan agar boleh digolongkan dalam kategori 'good leaders'? Sudah bersediakan kita untuk bergelar pemimpin yang sememangnya terpikul tanggungjawab yang besar yang perlu digalas di bahu kita? Apakah mampu kita menjalankan 'Amanah' itu dengan sebaik-baiknya?
Antara kata-kata hikmah yang boleh dijadikan panduan dan renungan bersama adalah:-
1. Leadership is a choice you make, not a place you sit.
2.In manay organizations, as you move up the ladder, you may even find that the amount of responsibility you take on increases faster than the amount of authority you receive.
3.Good leaders rarely think in terms of boundaries: instead, they think in terms of opportunities.
4.Comfort is really a function of expectations.
5. Insecure leaders think everything is about them, and as a result every action, every piece of information, every decision is put through their filter of self-centeredness.
6. The selfish leader will attempt to lead others for their own gain and for the detriment of others.
7. Leaders at the front don't have the freedom to neglect what their positon allows them to see.
8. Poor leaders demand respect, competent leaders command respect.
9. Good leaders know when to display emotions and when to delay them.
10. Leaders must be good managers, but most managers are not necessarily good leaders.
11. Successful leadrs make the right move at the right moment with the right motive.
12. Great leaders don't use people so that they can win. They lead people so that they all can win together.
13. Not all good decision makers are leaders, but all good leaders are decision makers.
To be a good leader, remember this : INFLUENCE
I - INTEGRITY - builds relationships on trust.
N - NURTURING - cares about people as individuals.
F - FAITH - believes in people
L - LISTENING - values what others have to say
U - UNDERSTANDING - sees from their point of view
E - ENLARGING - helps others become bigger
N - NAVIGATING - assists others through difficulties
C - CONNECTING - initiates positive relationships
E - EMPOWERING - gives them the power to lead.
Oleh itu, renung-renungkanlah. Adakah anda mempunyai ciri, sifat dan pakej yang dinyatakan agar boleh digolongkan dalam kategori 'good leaders'? Sudah bersediakan kita untuk bergelar pemimpin yang sememangnya terpikul tanggungjawab yang besar yang perlu digalas di bahu kita? Apakah mampu kita menjalankan 'Amanah' itu dengan sebaik-baiknya?
3 ulasan:
Bila ada peluang jadi pengetua nanti nak pinjam buku tu
Flower Power perlu mencontohi Puan kerana tidak jemu mengejar ilmu.
dejavu pula rasanya...macam pernah baca dan ditulis oleh nazreenns juga
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